Detailed List of Bundles for Managers
![]() Building Trust and Respect
Managers build the level of trust and respect they receive from their employees, peers and customers. Courses Included
Fairness with Others Evaluate how fair you are with others This course is made for managers and is designed to increase trust and respect. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to evaluate how fair you are with others. Time to complete: 30 minutes Building Trust with Employees Build trust by learning what will create a great work situation for each employee This course is made for managers and is designed to increase trust and respect. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to build trust by learning what will create a great work situation for each employee. Time to complete: 30 minutes Trusting Others to Innovate Increase trust and respect by supporting and encouraging innovation This course is made for managers and is designed to increase trust and respect. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to increase trust and respect by supporting and encouraging innovation. Time to complete: 30 minutes Respect through Resources Build respect by creating a network of resources for employees This course is made for managers and is designed to increase trust and respect. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to build respect by creating a network of resources for employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes

Vado is a now a Project Management Institute (PMI) Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.).
Vado’s PMI-approved courses count as credit hours toward project management certification from PMI - an international body which sets standards for certification in Project Management.
Vado is a now a Project Management Institute (PMI) Registered Education Provider (R.E.P.).
Vado’s PMI-approved courses count as credit hours toward project management certification from PMI - an international body which sets standards for certification in Project Management.
![]() Coaching Career Development
Managers learn how to guide and coach employees in developing their career within the organization. Courses Included
Employee Career Aspirations
Get to know your employee’s career desires and aspirations This course is made for managers and is designed to explore potential career opportunities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to get to know your employee’s career desires and aspirations. Time to complete: 30 minutes The Company Career System Employees learn about the company career system This course is made for managers and is designed to explore potential career opportunities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help your employees learn about the company career system. Time to complete: 30 minutes Career Plans for Your Employees Create a career plan with your employee This course is made for managers and is designed to build your employee’s career. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create a career plan with your employee. Time to complete: 30 minutes Finding Employee Development Opportunities Identify skill development opportunities for your employee This course is made for managers and is designed to build your employee’s career. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to identify skill development opportunities for your employee. Time to complete: 30 minutes Building an Employee’s Professional Network Help build your employee’s professional network This course is made for managers and is designed for building your employee's career. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will help your employee build his or her professional network by introducing the employee to new people. Time to complete: 30 minutes Career Plans and Employee Expectations If needed, set appropriate expectations with employees regarding their career plans This course is made for managers and is designed to explore potential career opportunities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how, if needed, to set appropriate expectations with employees regarding their career plans. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Communication Skills for Managers
Managers build and strengthen their communication skills to work more effectively with their employees, peers and organization leaders. Courses Included
Team Communication Expectations
Establish team communication norms and expectations This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen listening skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to establish team communication norms and expectations. Time to complete: 30 minutes Managerial Listening Skills Evaluate your communication with others to see how well you listen This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your listening skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how well you listen to others. Time to complete: 30 minutes Communicate Clear and Concise Messages Use three communication elements to strengthen your ability to deliver clear and concise messages This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your communication skills. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will learn how to use three communication elements to strengthen your ability to deliver clear and concise messages. You will practice using three communication elements as you communicate with others. Time to complete: 30 minutes Team Listening Evaluate your communication with co-workers and peers to see how well you listen This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen listening skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course your team will know how well they listen to their co-workers and peers Time to complete: 30 minutes Right Information at the Right Time Ensure your team gets the right information at the right time This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your communication skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to ensure your team gets the right information at the right time. Time to complete: 30 minutes Communicating with Different Audiences Create communication reminders for the most frequent audiences you interact with This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your communication skills. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to create communication reminders for the most frequent audiences you interact with. Time to complete: 30 minutes Team Communication Feedback Team members let you know when you perform selected communication actions This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your communication skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to know when you perform selected communication actions. Time to complete: 30 minutes Communicating Key Messages Receive feedback from your team on how well you are communicating key messages This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your communication skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to receive feedback from your team on how well you are communicating key messages. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Conflict Management Skills
Managers build their own conflict management skills, as well as learn how to coach employees to manage conflict with others. Courses Included
Helping Employees Manage Conflict
Learn how to recognize when team members need help managing conflict This course is made for managers and is designed to help manage conflict. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will learn how to recognize when team members need help managing conflict Time to complete: 30 minutes Help Groups Resolve Conflict Use a mediation process to help groups resolve existing conflict This course is made for managers and is designed to help manage conflict. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to use a mediation process to help groups resolve existing conflict. Time to complete: 30 minutes Conflict Management Expectations Create expectations for managing conflict This course is made for managers and is designed to help manage conflict. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create expectations for managing conflict. Time to complete: 30 minutes Create a Conflict Management Culture Create a conflict management agenda item to create a conflict management culture This course is made for managers and is designed to help manage conflict. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create a conflict management agenda item to create a conflict management culture. Time to complete: 30 minutes Coaching Employees to Manage Conflict Provide employees a process for managing conflict with others This course is made for managers and is designed to help manage conflict. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to coach employees how to manage conflict with others. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Creating Great Teamwork
Managers strengthen their skills to build great teamwork among their employees and team. Courses Included
Team Norms and Expectations
Create behavior norms and expectations for working together as a team This course is made for managers and is designed to build teamwork. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create behavior norms and expectations for working together as a team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Creating a Strong Team Culture Create a team culture that capitalizes on team member strengths This course is made for managers and is designed to build teamwork. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create a team culture that capitalizes on team member strengths. Time to complete: 30 minutes Working with Others Within the Company Identify actions the team can take to strengthen how they work with others within the company This course is made for managers and is designed to build teamwork. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know the actions the team can take to strengthen how they work with others within the company. Time to complete: 30 minutes Project Teams Rely on Each Other Encourage project teams and work teams to rely on each other’s skills, knowledge, and abilities This course is made for managers and is designed to build teamwork. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to encourage project teams and work teams to rely on each other’s skills, knowledge, and abilities. Time to complete: 30 minutes Involving Others for Great Decisions Involve the right people and gather the right information to make great decisions This course is made for managers and is designed to build teamwork. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to involve the right people and gather the right information to make great decisions. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Delegating Work
Managers develop their skills to effectively and successfully delegate work to others. Courses Included
Delegating to Others
Determine what you can delegate to others to be more effective in your role This course is made for individuals and is designed to delegate work effectively to others. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to determine what you can delegate to others to be more effective in your role. Time to complete: 30 minutes Delegating with Clear Expectations Establish clear agreements regarding what will be done when delegating to employees This course is made for managers and is designed to help you delegate work effectively to others. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will use a process to create clear expectations when delegating work to others. Time to complete: 30 minutes Getting Buy-In When Delegating Increase buy-in for your requests when delegating to others This course is made for individuals and is designed to delegate work effectively to others. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to increase buy-in for your requests when delegating to others. Time to complete: 30 minutes When Agreements are Broken Effectively confront others when agreements are broken This course is made for individuals and is designed to delegate work effectively to others. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to effectively confront others when agreements are broken. Time to complete: 30 minutes Leadership through Delegation Strengthen your leadership capabilities through delegation This course is made for managers and is designed to delegate work effectively to others. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to strengthen your leadership capabilities through delegation. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Developing and Coaching Employees
Managers develop their skills to coach and develop their employees to become more capable and high performing individuals. Courses Included
Support Your Team for Performance
Determine how to support your team so they can perform at their best This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your coaching skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to support your team so they can perform at their best. Time to complete: 30 minutes Giving Employee Feedback Employees receive feedback on their job performance This course is made for managers and is designed to provide feedback to employees. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to give employees receive feedback on their job performance. Time to complete: 30 minutes Building Employee Skills Top two actions your employees can do to improve their capabilities and contribute to organization This course is made for managers and is designed to support employee development. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know the top two actions your employees can do to improve their capabilities, strengthen their performance, and contribute to organization. Time to complete: 30 minutes Skill Development Plan Create a skill development plan with your employee This course is made for managers and is designed to build skills and capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create a skill development plan with your employee. Time to complete: 30 minutes Coaching After Mistakes Use a coaching process after employees make mistakes or miss their performance goals This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your coaching skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to use a coaching process after employees make mistakes or miss their performance goals. Time to complete: 30 minutes Energizing Work Identify what work is energizing to your employees This course is made for managers and is designed to increase individual engagement. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to identify what work is energizing to your employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes Support Employee Development Identify actions you can take to support each person’s development This course is made for managers and is designed to support employee development. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to identify actions you can take to support each person’s development. Time to complete: 30 minutes Improve the Feedback You Give Others Improve the feedback employees receive on their performance This course is made for managers and is designed to provide feedback to employees. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will improve the feedback employees receive on their performance. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Discussing Total Compensation
Managers learn how to discuss compensation issues, rewards, as well as company benefits with individual employees. Courses Included
Market Range Compensation
Help employees know what the compensation market range is for their role This course is made for managers and is designed to create understanding and clarity about compensation. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to help employees know what the compensation market range is for their role. Time to complete: 30 minutes Performance and Rewards Discuss with your employees how individual performance impacts rewards and compensation This course is made for managers and is designed to create understanding and clarity about compensation. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to discuss with your employees how individual performance impacts rewards and compensation. Time to complete: 30 minutes Linking Performance and Rewards Create a clear link between performance delivered and rewards received This course is made for managers and is designed to create understanding and clarity about compensation. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to create a clear link between performance delivered and rewards received. Time to complete: 30 minutes Going Above and Beyond Identify who needs to be rewarded for working hard and going above and beyond what’s required This course is made for managers and is designed to create understanding and clarity about compensation. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know who needs to be rewarded for working hard and going above and beyond what’s required. Time to complete: 30 minutes Benefits Discussion Conduct a benefits discussion with your team This course is made for managers and is designed to create understanding and clarity about compensation. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to conduct a benefits discussion with your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Giving Great Feedback
Managers discover how to provide the feedback each person needs to perform at a high level. Courses Included
Improve the Quality of Feedback You Give
Improve the quality of the feedback you give your employees This course is made for managers and is designed to provide feedback to employees. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to improve the quality of the feedback you give your employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes Employees Monitor Personal Performance Employees monitor and measure their own performance This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your feedback capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help your employees monitor and measure their own performance. Time to complete: 30 minutes Acting with Appropriate Speed to Problems Evaluate whether you acted with appropriate speed to problems and issues This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your feedback capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to evaluate whether you acted with appropriate speed to problems and issues. Time to complete: 30 minutes Employee Reactions to Performance Evaluations Quickly understand how employees feel about their performance evaluation and rating This course is made for managers and is designed to provide feedback to employees. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to quickly understand how employees feel about their performance evaluation and rating. Time to complete: 30 minutes Teams Monitor Performance Team members learn how to monitor and measure their own performance This course is made for managers and is designed to improve feedback capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course your team will know how to how to monitor and measure their own performance. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() The TotalView Interviewing Toolkit
With six courses, covering six topic areas, interviewers and hiring managers now have the tools they need to be successful interviewers. Courses Included
Interviewing Basics
Discover what interviewers must do to make a good hiring decision. Building our skills to conduct behavioral interviews will help us make the best hiring decision. In this course you’ll learn about the fundamentals required for behavioral interviewing. Time to complete: 30 minutes Recognizing Behavior Responses Learn how to interview for a behavioral response. While all types of interview questions can provide valuable information, behavioral description questions are far superior when it comes to predictable job success. The best strategy for maximizing the results from a pre-employment interview is to use the Blended Interview™. This course will teach you how to conduct a successful Blended Interview™ using behavioral descriptive questions, to enable you to ask the right questions, to get the right information, to make the best hiring decision. Time to complete: 30 minutes Evaluating Candidate Responses Know good responses from not-so-good ones. In order to hire the right person for any job, you must be able to accurately and effectively rate their skills and capabilities during the interview process. Using behavior based questions and good follow-up questions can help you gather the information you need to evaluate competencies. This course will build your skills and capabilities to evaluate candidate responses to make great hiring decisions. Time to complete: 30 minutes Conducting Professional Interviews Build your skills to conduct effective behavioral based interviews There are five key steps for conducting a behavioral based interview. This course will review each of these steps and help you prepare for your next interview using these critical steps. When you take the time to prepare for an interview, you will be better equipped and ready to apply these essential techniques and thus conduct a more successful interview. Time to complete: 30 minutes The Blended Interview Process Learn how to truly assess a candidate’s fit for the position. The Blended Interview™ is a pattered, yet flexible interview that elicits the varieties of information needed to make an informed selection decision. And even though non-behavioral questions can be helpful in gathering information, Behavioral Description Questions provide the richest, most useful information to assess a candidate’s fit for a role. For this course, you will pull together all the information you’ve learned so far and focus your energy towards conducting effective Blended Interviews™. Time to complete: 30 minutes The Legal Aspects of Interviewing Understand what you need to know from a legal perspective when interviewing candidates. Interviewing brings legal responsibilities. It’s up to you and your organization to make hiring and promotion decisions based on a fair and legally credible system. Interviewing is subject to both state and federal laws, which define legal and illegal practices in all aspects of hiring. It is important to check for any state hiring regulations that might apply. This course will present the information you need for these main federal regulations, as well as information to help guide your interviewing questions. Use this information as you plan each and every interview you’ll perform. Time to complete: 30 minutes
Courses Included
![]() Leadership Essentials
Managers build the leadership skills required to lead the organization strategy, retain top talent and communicate the organization vision. Become a Reliable Leader with Integrity
Increase the actions and behaviors that demonstrate you are a reliable leader with integrity This course is made for managers and is designed to build integrity and trust. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to increase the actions and behaviors that demonstrate you are a reliable leader with integrity. Time to complete: 30 minutes Balance Your Leadership and Employee Roles Determine your work priorities as a leader and as an individual contributor This course is made for managers and is designed to build your leadership skills. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to determine your work priorities as a leader and as an individual contributor. Time to complete: 30 minutes Connecting Goals to Vision Connect every employee’s individual goals to the organization’s vision and strategy This course is made for managers and is designed to inspire and excite others regarding the organization’s vision. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to connect every employee’s individual goals to the organization’s vision and strategy. Time to complete: 30 minutes Connecting Team Work to the Strategy Discuss how the team’s goals and core work is directly connected to the company’s strategy This course is made for managers and is designed to inspire and excite others regarding the organization’s vision. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to discuss how the team’s goals and core work is directly connected to the company’s strategy. Time to complete: 30 minutes Align Resources to Strategic Priorities Define the strategic priorities for the department and align the required resources This course is made for managers and is designed to provide the required resources for success. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to define the strategic priorities for the department and align the required resources. Time to complete: 30 minutes Speaking Your Mind Assess if people are truly able to speak freely within the team This course is made for managers and is designed to help value the ideas and opinions of others. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know if people are truly able to speak freely within the team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Innovation Norms and Expectations Create team innovation norms and expectations This course is made for managers and is designed to increase innovation. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to create team innovation norms and expectations. Time to complete: 30 minutes Are Your Actions Consistent with Your Values? Determine if your actions are consistent with your values This course is made for managers and is designed to increase trust and respect. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to determine if your actions are consistent with your values Time to complete: 30 minutes Keep Your Top Talent Perform a top talent review to determine what you need to do to keep your top talent This course is made for managers and is designed to build your leadership skills. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to perform a top talent review to determine what you need to do to keep your top talent. Time to complete: 30 minutes Increase Employee Innovation Increase the level of innovative actions of your employees This course is made for managers and is designed to increase innovation. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to increase the level of innovative actions of your employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes Responding to Issues and Concerns Evaluate how you respond to concerns or issues presented by your employees This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your supervision capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to evaluate how you respond to concerns or issues presented by your employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes Analyze the Pros and Cons of Key Decisions Analyze essential information and the pros and cons of key decisions This course is made for managers and is designed to facilitate great decision making. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to analyze essential information and the pros and cons of key decisions. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Leading the Organization Strategy
Managers develop their ability to lead others towards achieving the organization strategy. Courses Included
Integrity Expectations
Identify and share what you expect from your employees This course is made for managers and is designed to build integrity and trust. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to identify and share what you expect from your employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes How Employees Support Organization Goals Show employees how they support the organization’s goals and strategy This course is made for managers and is designed to connect employees to the organization’s strategy. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to show employees how they support the organization’s goals and strategy. Time to complete: 30 minutes Connecting Work to Company Objectives Ask a leader to discuss the company’s upcoming strategy and changes with your team This course is made for managers and is designed to connect employees to the organization’s strategy. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will have had a leader discuss the company’s upcoming strategy and changes with your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Connecting Work to Company Objectives Create the connection between company objectives and employees’ core work This course is made for managers and is designed to connect to the organization’s strategy. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to create the connection between company objectives and employees’ core work Time to complete: 30 minutes Meeting Goals and Achieving the Strategy Determine what the team can do to help meet the team’s goals and achieve the organization strategy This course is made for managers and is designed to connect employees to the organization’s strategy. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to determine what the team can do to help meet the team’s goals and achieve the organization strategy. Time to complete: 30 minutes Connecting Work Projects to the Vision Evaluate the success of projects based on how well it moved the company towards its vision and strategy This course is made for managers and is designed to inspire and excite others regarding the organization’s vision. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to evaluate the success of projects based on how well it moved the company towards its vision and strategy. Time to complete: 30 minutes Capture and Share Best Practices Encourage the capturing and sharing of best practices and lessons learned This course is made for managers and is designed to increase innovation. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to encourage the capturing and sharing of best practices and lessons learned. Time to complete: 30 minutes Trust Others to Drive the Strategy Show employees you trust them to support the organization’s goals and strategy This course is made for managers and is designed to increase trust and respect. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to show employees you trust them to support the organization’s goals and strategy. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Management Essentials
Managers build the basic management skills required to coach employees, deliver feedback and recognize the achievements of others. Courses Included
Giving Clear Work Priorities
Employees get clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days This course is made for managers and is designed to create strong goals and objectives. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course employees will be clear on their work priorities for the next 30 days. Time to complete: 30 minutes What Employees Need Find out what your employees need from you, their manager This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your supervision capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will find out what your employees need from you, their manager. Time to complete: 30 minutes Reinforce Great Teamwork Create a team meeting agenda item to reinforce great teamwork This course is made for managers and is designed to build teamwork. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to create a team meeting agenda item to reinforce great teamwork. Time to complete: 30 minutes Valuing Employees Discuss with your employees why you value them, why they’re important to the team and company This course is made for managers and is designed to increase individual engagement. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to discuss with your employees why you value them, why they’re important to the team and company. Time to complete: 30 minutes Listening to Others’ Ideas and Opinions Evaluate how well you listen to others’ ideas and opinions This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your communication skills. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to evaluate how well you listen to others’ ideas and opinions. Time to complete: 30 minutes Problem Solving Expectations Create problem-solving expectations for your employees This course is made for managers and is designed to strengthen your coaching skills. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to create problem-solving expectations for your employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes The Right Workload for Employees Determine if the workload is right for your employees and for the company This course is made for managers and is designed to create great work-life balance. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to determine if the workload is right for your employees and for the company. Time to complete: 30 minutes The Great Things Employees Do Share with your employees the great things they do and how they make a difference This course is made for managers and is designed to help motivate and inspire others. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to share with your employees the great things they do and how they make a difference. Time to complete: 30 minutes An Ethics and Integrity Discussion Ask a leader to come talk to the team about ethics, integrity, and the company values This course is made for managers and is designed to build integrity and trust. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will have a leader to come talk to the team about ethics, integrity, and the company values. Time to complete: 30 minutes Perform a Performance Review Perform a performance review with your employees This course is made for managers and is designed to provide feedback to employees. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to perform a performance review with your employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes Creating Challenging Work Increase the level of challenge an employee experiences at work This course is made for managers and is designed to increase the level of challenging work. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will learn how to increase the level of challenge an employee experiences at work. You will meet with your employees to determine their current level of challenging work and identify ways to create the right amount of challenge they have in their work. Time to complete: 30 minutes Receive Feedback From Your Employees Receive feedback from your team on how you’re doing as a manager This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your feedback capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will receive feedback from your team on how you’re doing as a manager. Time to complete: 30 minutes Creating a Great Work Situation Determine what factors would create a great job and work situation for your employees This course is made for managers and is designed to increase individual engagement. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to determine what factors would create a great job and work situation for your employees. Time to complete: 30 minutes Evaluating Performance in the Right Way Determine if you're doing the right things when evaluating an employee's performance This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your supervision capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to determine if you're doing the right things when evaluating an employee's performance. Time to complete: 30 minutes Perform a Departure Review Perform a departure review for your team members This course is made for managers and is designed to reduce employee turnover. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to perform a departure review for your team members. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Managing for Success
Building off of the Management Essentials, managers continue developing their ability to manage, inspire and lead employees towards success. Courses Included
What the Team Loves About the Company
This course is made for managers and is designed to increase satisfaction with the company. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to facilitate a team discussion regarding what employees love about the company. Building Relationships with Colleagues Build relationships with colleagues to learn about their role, skills, and expertise This course is made for managers and is designed to build relationships with work colleagues. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to build relationships with colleagues to learn about their role, skills, and expertise. Time to complete: 30 minutes Team Work-Life Balance The team determines what they can do together to create balance for everyone on the team This course is made for managers and is designed to create great work-life balance. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know what the team can do together to create balance for everyone on the team. Time to complete: 30 minutes More Than One Solution Identify a number of potential solutions for the same problem This course is made for managers and is designed to facilitate great problem solving. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to identify a number of potential solutions for the same problem. Time to complete: 30 minutes Solving Problems in the Right Way Determine what is required to ensure issues are solved in the right way at the right time This course is made for managers and is designed to facilitate great problem solving. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to determine what is required to ensure issues are solved in the right way at the right time. Time to complete: 30 minutes Team Integrity Teams discuss what integrity looks like and identifies expectations for the team This course is made for managers and is designed to build integrity and trust. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course your team will discuss what integrity looks like and identifies expectations for the team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Speaking Freely with Others Share with your team how people react to you when you speak freely with others This course is made for managers and is designed to build integrity and trust. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to share with your team how people react to you when you speak freely with others Time to complete: 30 minutes Soliciting Ideas and Opinions Create an agenda item to discuss how the ideas and opinions of others are being solicited and used This course is made for managers and is designed to help value the ideas and opinions of others. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create an agenda item to discuss how the ideas and opinions of others are being solicited and used. Time to complete: 30 minutes Differences Make a Stronger Team Employees learn how each person is diverse and how these differences help make a strong team This course is made for managers and is designed to maximize the diverse backgrounds, skills and perspectives of the team. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to help your team know how each person is diverse and how these differences help make a strong team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Understand Customer Needs Strengthen your understanding of your customers’ needs and what you can do to meet them This course is made for managers and is designed to meet the needs of the customer. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will strengthen your understanding of your customers’ needs and what you can do to meet them. Time to complete: 30 minutes Differences Make a Stronger Team Discuss and reinforce the importance of safety with your team This course is made for managers and is designed to create a safe working environment. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to discuss and reinforce the importance of safety with your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Create a Safety Culture Create a team culture focused on safety and accident prevention This course is made for managers and is designed to create a safe working environment. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create a team culture focused on safety and accident prevention. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Meeting Management
Managers learn how to lead and facilitate effective meetings. Courses Included
Prepare for Any Meeting
Prepare thoroughly for any meeting This course is made for individuals and is designed to lead and manage effective meetings. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to prepare thoroughly for any meeting. Time to complete: 30 minutes Conduct Effective Meetings Conduct effective and efficient meetings This course is made for individuals and is designed to lead and manage effective meetings. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to conduct effective and efficient meetings. Time to complete: 30 minutes Be a Significant Meeting Member Become a significant and contributing meeting member This course is made for individuals and is designed to lead and manage effective meetings. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to become a significant and contributing meeting member. Time to complete: 30 minutes Stay Focused in Meetings Learn how to stay focused in meetings This course is made for individuals and is designed to lead and manage effective meetings. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to stay focused in meetings. Time to complete: 30 minutes Meeting Behavior Expectations Create meeting behavior expectations with your team This course is made for managers and is designed to lead and manage effective meetings. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create meeting behavior expectations with your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Onboarding New Employees
Managers work with new hires to help them quickly get up to speed by understanding what they must do and achieve to become fully integrated employees. Courses Included
New Hire Expectations of a Manager
New employees know exactly what they can expect from you as a manager This course is made for managers and is designed to help new hires know what to expect. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help new hires understand exactly what they can expect from you as a manager. Time to complete: 30 minutes First Weeks’ Deliverables New hires learn what work they must do and what they must achieve in the first few weeks on-the-job This course is made for managers and is designed to set clear goals and expectations for the new hire. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to help new hires learn what work they must do and what they must achieve in the first few weeks on-the-job . Time to complete: 30 minutes Team Members Introduce Themselves Team members introduce themselves to the new hire This course is made for managers and is designed to help new hires get to know their co-workers and peers. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to help team members introduce themselves to the new hire. Time to complete: 30 minutes Great Work Situations for New Hires Managers learn what will create a great work situation for each new employee This course is made for managers and is designed to learn more about the new hire. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know what will create a great work situation for each new employee. Time to complete: 30 minutes Learning a New Role New employees learn how they fit in with the team and how they can contribute to the organization This course is made for managers and is designed to help new hires get clear on their new role. As a manager, you will perform this course with new employees. By completing this course new employees learn how they fit in with the team and how they can contribute to the organization. Time to complete: 30 minutes We Wish We Had Known New hires learn what their peers wished they had known when starting their own job This course is made for managers and is designed to help new hires get to know their co-workers and peers. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help new hires learn what their peers wished they had known when starting their own job. Time to complete: 30 minutes Learning from Co-Workers New hires learn from co-workers why it’s great to work for the team and the company This course is made for managers and is designed to help new hires get clear on their new role. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help new hires learn from co-workers why it’s great to work for the team and the company. Time to complete: 30 minutes Teams Share with New Hires Team members discuss the team’s overall purpose and deliverables with the new hire This course is made for managers and is designed to help new hires get to know their co-workers and peers. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to encourage team members to share the team’s overall purpose and deliverables with the new hire. Time to complete: 30 minutes New Hires Build New Skills Know what skills and knowledge the new hire must build to be successful in the new role This course is made for managers and is designed to build the skills and capabilities of new hires. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know what skills and knowledge the new hire must build to be successful in the new role. Time to complete: 30 minutes Coaching New Hires New employees receive frequent coaching and information to ensure the right work is done at the right time This course is made for managers and is designed to give great feedback. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to give new hires frequent coaching and information to ensure the right work is done at the right time. Time to complete: 30 minutes New Hires Get Coaching From Others New hires have a network of resources for coaching, feedback and skill building This course is made for managers and is designed to build new hires’ professional network. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help new hires build a network of resources for coaching, feedback and skill building. Time to complete: 30 minutes Reconnect Employees to Individual Work New employees are reconnected to the work they must do and achieve This course is made for managers and is designed to set clear goals and expectations for the new hire. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to reconnect new hires to the work they must do and achieve. Time to complete: 30 minutes Feedback for New Hires New employees receive feedback on what they’ve done so far and learn what they must do in the future This course is made for managers and is designed to give and receive feedback. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to give new hires feedback on what they’ve done so far and learn what they must do in the future. Time to complete: 30 minutes Exploring Professional Development New hires explore how they can grow and develop within the company This course is made for managers and is designed to build the skills and capabilities of new hires. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help new hires explore how they can grow and develop within the company. Time to complete: 30 minutes New Hires Build a Professional Network Team members help new hires build a network of people within the company This course is made for managers and is designed to help new hires to build their professional network. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help new hires build a network of people within the company. Time to complete: 30 minutes Feedback from New Hires Managers receive feedback from their new hires This course is made for managers and is designed to receive helpful feedback. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to receive feedback from your new hires. Time to complete: 30 minutes New Hire Performance Review New hires receive a review of their performance since starting their new job This course is made for managers and is designed to help new hires to give great feedback. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to deliver a review of the new hire’s performance since starting the new job. Time to complete: 30 minutes Work and Challenges in the Future New hires get clear on the work and challenges that lie ahead This course is made for managers and is designed to set clear goals and expectations for the new hire. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to create clarity regarding the work and challenges that lie ahead for the new hire. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Project Management for Managers
Project Managers focus on the skills required to lead and manage effective and successful projects. Courses Included
Team Involvement in Planning
Identify how you will involve the team in planning the project This course is made for managers and is designed to support and enhance the success of any project plan. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how you will involve the team in planning the project. Time to complete: 30 minutes Brand and Promote Your Project Create a compelling and concise branding statement for your project This course is made for individuals and is designed to support and enhance the success of any project plan. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to create a compelling and concise branding statement for your project. Time to complete: 30 minutes Project Plan Updates Identify the individuals who must be informed and updated on the project plan This course is made for individuals and is designed to support and enhance the success of any project plan. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to identify the individuals who must be informed and updated on the project plan. Time to complete: 30 minutes Planning Tools and Resources Determine the tools and resources you will use to effectively plan your project This course is made for individuals and is designed to support and enhance the success of any project plan. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to select the tools and resources you will use to effectively plan your project. Time to complete: 30 minutes Articulate the Attributes of Your Ideas Learn how to confidently articulate the positive attributes and benefits of your ideas This course is made for individuals and is designed to strengthen your communication skills. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to confidently articulate the positive attributes and benefits of your ideas. Time to complete: 30 minutes Essential Project Plan Components Ensure your project plan has the key components required for success This course is made for individuals and is designed to support and enhance the success of any project plan. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to ensure your project plan has the key components required for success. Time to complete: 30 minutes Status Reporting Expectations Set team expectations for reporting and sharing project and task status This course is made for managers and is designed to monitor and measure performance. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to set team expectations for reporting and sharing project and task status Time to complete: 30 minutes Sharing Essential Project Information Determine how quick and informative project information will be delivered from the team This course is made for managers and is designed to monitor and measure performance. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to determine how quick and informative project information will be delivered from the team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Sharing Problems Right Away Discuss with the team why problems and difficult information must be shared right away This course is made for managers and is designed to monitor and measure performance. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to discuss with the team why problems and difficult information must be shared right away. Time to complete: 30 minutes Monitor Project Status Actively monitor the current status of your project This course is made for individuals and is designed to monitor and measure performance. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to actively monitor the current status of your project. Time to complete: 30 minutes Objectively Evaluate Proposals Use objective criteria to evaluate proposed agreements This course is made for individuals and is designed to work with others to reach an acceptable agreement. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to use objective criteria to evaluate proposed agreements. Time to complete: 30 minutes Advocate for Interests Strengthen your ability to advocate for interests rather than positions This course is made for individuals and is designed to work with others to reach an acceptable agreement. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to strengthen your ability to advocate for interests rather than positions. Time to complete: 30 minutes Be Open to Different Solutions Stay open to various and creative solutions This course is made for individuals and is designed to work with others to reach an acceptable agreement. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to stay open to various and creative solutions. Time to complete: 30 minutes Focus on the Issues vs. Individuals Avoid getting personal by keeping the focus on issues, not individuals This course is made for individuals and is designed to work with others to reach an acceptable agreement. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to avoid getting personal by keeping the focus on issues, not individuals. Time to complete: 30 minutes Negotiating with Difficult People Implement negotiation strategies to cope with difficult or unethical individuals This course is made for individuals and is designed to work with others to reach an acceptable agreement. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to implement negotiation strategies to cope with difficult or unethical individuals. Time to complete: 30 minutes The Likelihood of Project Risk Consider both the impact and likelihood project risks will materialize This course is made for individuals and is designed to identify and minimize potential risks for any project. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to consider both the impact and likelihood project risks will materialize. Time to complete: 30 minutes Responding to Project Risk Know how to respond to project risks appropriately This course is made for individuals and is designed to identify and minimize potential risks for any project. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to respond to project risks appropriately . Time to complete: 30 minutes Minimize the Consequences Minimize the Consequences This course is made for individuals and is designed to identify and minimize potential risks for any project. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to minimize the consequences of adverse situations on the project. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Providing Resources for Success
Managers learn how to provide the resources employees need to successfully deliver their objectives and achieve team goals. Courses Included
Team Resources
Evaluate how well you manage the team or department resources This course is made for managers and is designed to provide the required resources for success. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to evaluate how well you manage the team or department resources. Time to complete: 30 minutes Required Employee Resources Determine if employees have the resources they need to be successful This course is made for managers and is designed to provide the required resources for success. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to determine if employees have the resources they need to be successful. Time to complete: 30 minutes One Resource for Success Employees identify one resource they need to be successful in the next 60 days This course is made for managers and is designed to provide the required resources for success. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to identify one resource they need to be successful in the next 60 days. Time to complete: 30 minutes Use a Resource Management Agenda Item Create a resource management agenda item to ensure team needs are met This course is made for individuals and is designed to provide the required resources for successes. As an individual working for a company, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to create a resource management agenda item to ensure team needs are met. Time to complete: 30 minutes Resources and Customer Needs Consider the customers’ needs when allocating resources This course is made for managers and is designed to provide the required resources for success. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to consider the customers’ needs when allocating resources. Time to complete: 30 minutes Providing the Right Resources Take action to provide the resources employees need for success This course is made for managers and is designed to provide the required resources for success. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to provide the resources employees need for success. Time to complete: 30 minutes Team Resource Needs Team members prioritize resources needs This course is made for managers and is designed to provide the required resources for success. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to prioritize team resources needs. Time to complete: 30 minutes Teams Improve Efficiency of Resources The team determines how they can improve the efficiency of existing resources This course is made for managers and is designed to provide the required resources for success. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to help the team improve the efficiency of existing resources. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Recognizing Employees
Managers build their capabilities to recognize their employees for their work and accomplishments. Courses Included
Employees Each and Every Day
Provide recognition to your employees each and every day This course is made for managers and is designed to increase employee recognition. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to provide recognition to your employees each and every day. Time to complete: 30 minutes Recognize Accomplishments and Contribution Employees are recognized for their accomplishments and contribution This course is made for managers and is designed to increase employee recognition. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to recognize employees for their accomplishments and contribution. Time to complete: 30 minutes Improving How Things Get Done Recognize employees who seek out ways to improve the way things get done This course is made for managers and is designed to increase the recognition of accomplishments and achievements. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to recognize employees who seek out ways to improve the way things get done. Time to complete: 30 minutes Balance Public and Private Recognition Create the right balance between public and private recognition This course is made for managers and is designed to increase employee recognition. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to create the right balance between public and private recognition. Time to complete: 30 minutes Find Others to Provide Team Recognition Find others within the organization who can give praise and recognition to your team This course is made for managers and is designed to increase employee recognition. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to find others within the organization who can give praise and recognition to your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Retaining Your Employees
Managers perform the skills needed to retain each individual employee. Courses Included
Overall Satisfaction at Work
Talk with your employees about their overall satisfaction with the company and their work situation This course is made for managers and is designed to increase satisfaction with the company. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to talk with your employees about their overall satisfaction with the company and their work situation. Time to complete: 30 minutes Keeping Your Employees Find out what factors will cause your employees to stay This course is made for managers and is designed to help reduce employee turnover. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will find out what factors will cause your employees to stay. You will identify the factors that will influence each person’s decision to stay. Time to complete: 30 minutes Decreasing Employee Turnover Identify what is required to create a work situation that will cause each employee to stay This course is made for managers and is designed to reduce employee turnover. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know what is required to create a work situation that will cause each employee to stay. Time to complete: 30 minutes Who Needs Better Work-Life Balance? Identify who needs help getting a better balance between work and their personal life This course is made for managers and is designed to create great work-life balance. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know who needs help getting a better balance between work and their personal life. Time to complete: 30 minutes Maximizing Employee Talents Determine how an employee’s top talents are used in his or her job This course is made for managers and is designed to create great work for everyone. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to determine how an employee’s top talents are used in his or her job. Time to complete: 30 minutes Creating Work Autonomy Create the right level of work autonomy for your team This course is made for managers and is designed to help create challenging work. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to know how to create the right level of work autonomy for your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Compensation Rule of Thumb Determine if each employee’s compensation package is within market range This course is made for managers and is designed to reduce employee turnover. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know how to determine if each employee’s compensation package is within market range. Time to complete: 30 minutes Your Own Requirements to Stay Identify what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay This course is made for managers and is designed to positively impact your desire to stay. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know what will create a work situation that will cause you to stay Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Supervision Basics
Managers learn the supervision skills needed when they are responsible for guiding the performance of others. Courses Included
Three Month Work Objectives
Employees gain a clear understanding of what they must deliver in the next three months This course is made for managers and is designed to create strong goals and objectives. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course employees gain a clear understanding of what they must deliver in the next three months. Time to complete: 30 minutes Assist Employees Facing Challenges Provide help and assistance to your employees facing challenges and obstacles This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your supervision capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to provide help and assistance to your employees facing challenges and obstacles. Time to complete: 30 minutes Team and Company Policies Discuss the importance of team and company policies with your team This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your supervision capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to discuss the importance of team and company policies with your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Know Your Employees Identify what you know about your employees' family, hobbies, personal challenges and interests This course is made for managers and is designed to improve your supervision capabilities. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to identify what you know about your employees' family, hobbies, personal challenges and interests. Time to complete: 30 minutes Know Who’s Really Contributing Identify individuals who are really contributing to the team or company goals This course is made for managers and is designed to increase satisfaction with the company. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know the individuals who are really contributing to the team or company goal. Time to complete: 30 minutes Involving Others in Problem Solving Involve others in solving important problems and issues This course is made for managers and is designed to facilitate great problem solving. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to involve others in solving important problems and issues. Time to complete: 30 minutes Know Your Team’s Experience and Background Get clear on the various experiences, backgrounds, skills and perspectives of your team This course is made for managers and is designed to maximize the diverse backgrounds, skills and perspectives of the team. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be clear on the various experiences, backgrounds, skills and perspectives of your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Work-Life Balance for the Team Ensure everyone is clear on what work/life balance looks like with the team or department This course is made for managers and is designed to create great work-life balance. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to ensure everyone is clear on what work-life balance looks like with the team or department. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Bud to Boss Toolkit
Designed for anyone who is new to supervising and managing others, the Bud to Boss Toolkit will provide the foundation needed to take on a new leadership position. New Managers will learn how to communicate with former peers who are now subordinates, as well as develop their skills to coach others, give feedback and handle performance reviews. In addition, they will learn how to conduct difficult conversations, all in a way that is comfortable and productive for everyone Courses Included
Bud to Boss 1: Discussing Your New Leadership Role
Plan and conduct productive conversations with those you will work with in your new role This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to plan and conduct productive conversations with those you will work with in your new role. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 2: Understand the Expectations of a New Role Create clear expectations with your boss in your changing role This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to create clear expectations with your boss in your changing role. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 3: Creating the Mindset for Your New Role Know what you need to do to transition your personal mindset to be effective in your new role This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to know what you need to do to transition your personal mindset to be effective in your new role. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 4: Control vs. Influence Determine what you can control and influence to increase your personal and professional effectiveness This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to determine what you can control and influence to increase your personal and professional effectiveness. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 5: Communicating Positive Expectations Know how to have positive expectations of others This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will know how to have positive expectations of others. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 6: Motivation for Change Understand the factors that influence the desire and motivation to make a change This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will understand the factors that influence the desire and motivation to make a change. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 7: Accelerate the Acceptance of Organization Change Know how to implement the right actions to accelerate the acceptance and success of any organization change This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will know how to implement the right actions to accelerate the acceptance and success of any organization change. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 7: Accelerate the Acceptance of Organization Change Diagnose resistance to change to effectively lead and champion organization change This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to diagnose resistance to change to effectively lead and champion organization change. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 9: Dominant Communication Style Know how to communicate and connect with employees who like to move fast and are task oriented This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will know how to communicate and connect with employees who like to move fast and are task oriented. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 10: Inspiring Communication Style Know how to communicate and connect with employees who are high energy and relationship oriented This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will know how to communicate and connect with employees who are high energy and relationship oriented. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 11: Supportive Communication Style Know how to communicate and connect with employees who care about others and like to evaluate before acting This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will know how to communicate and connect with employees who care about others and like to evaluate before acting. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 12: Cautious Communication Style Know how to communicate and connect with employees who are great with the data and like to evaluate before acting This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will know how to communicate and connect with employees who are great with the data and like to evaluate before acting. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 13: Seven Components of Great Presentations Apply the seven key components required to give a great presentation This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to apply the seven key components required to give a great presentation. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 14: Sources of Feedback Understand where you can tap into your feedback power and put it to use This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will understand where you can tap into your feedback power and put it to use. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 15: Four Types of Feedback Use the four types of feedback to create the right balance in your coaching This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to use the four types of feedback to create the right balance in your coaching. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 16: Six Step Coaching Model Use the six step coaching model to lead others to higher levels of performance This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to use the six step coaching model to lead others to higher levels of performance. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 17: Remove Yourself as a Source of Threat Remove yourself as a source of threat during conflict to develop a mutual resolution plan This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to remove yourself as a source of threat during conflict to develop a mutual resolution plan. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 17: Remove Yourself as a Source of Threat Create a conflict resolution mindset to increase your ability to facilitate effective conflict management This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to create a conflict resolution mindset to increase your ability to facilitate effective conflict management. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 19: Accelerate Goal Achievement Articulate a compelling reason why a goal matters to accelerate progress towards achieving the goal This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will be able to articulate a compelling reason why a goal matters to accelerate progress towards achieving the goal. Time to complete: 30 minutes Bud to Boss 20: Goal Setting at Three Levels Know the three types of goals you can set to motivate and inspire your team to achieve higher levels of performance This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead and manage others. As a manager, you will perform this course with on your own. By completing this course you will know the three types of goals you can set to motivate and inspire your team to achieve higher levels of performance. Time to complete: 30 minutes
![]() Remote Leadership Toolkit
Designed for anyone who manages and leads others remotely, the Remote Leadership Toolkit provides remote leaders the tools they need to be successful leaders, no matter where their employees work in the world. Courses Included
Unique Aspects of the Virtual Work Environment
Find out what’s unique about leading within the virtual environment This course is made for managers and is designed to provide an introduction to the remote leader. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will find out what’s unique about leading within the virtual environment. Time to complete: 30 minutes Classic Leadership with a Virtual Twist Know what additional leadership actions are a must when leading others remotely This course is made for managers and is designed to provide an introduction to the remote leader. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know what additional leadership actions are a must when leading others remotely. Time to complete: 30 minutes Building Trust in the Virtual Environment Shift your mindset to successfully build trust and lead others in the virtual environment This course is made for managers and is designed to provide an introduction to the remote leader. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will learn how to shift your mindset to successfully build trust and lead others in the virtual environment. Time to complete: 30 minutes Managing Remote Teams Understand the challenges and obstacles managers face when leading remote teams This course is made for managers and is designed to create and manage remote teams. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will understand the challenges and obstacles managers face when leading remote teams. Time to complete: 30 minutes Building Trust with Remote Teams Identify what’s required to build trust and communication with your team This course is made for managers and is designed to create and manage remote teams. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will be able to identify what’s required to build trust and communication with your team. Time to complete: 30 minutes Maximizing Virtual Tools Increase your ability to use the tools available to manage others remotely This course is made for managers and is designed to create and manage remote teams. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will increase your ability to use the tools available to manage others remotely. Time to complete: 30 minutes The Pitfalls of Web-Based Meetings Find out why web-based meetings are sometimes painful and ineffective This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead effective virtual meetings. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will understand why web-based meetings are sometimes painful and ineffective. Time to complete: 30 minutes Planning a Virtual Meeting Know what is required to plan an effective virtual meeting This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead effective virtual meetings. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will know what is required to lead successful virtual meetings. Time to complete: 30 minutes Leading a Virtual Meeting Build the skills required to lead successful virtual meetings This course is made for managers and is designed to help you lead effective virtual meetings. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you have the skills required to lead successful virtual meetings. Time to complete: 30 minutes Web-based Presentation Basics Understand the challenges of presenting remotely and what’s required for success This course is made for managers and is designed to help you deliver great web presentations. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will understand the challenges of presenting remotely and what’s required for success. Time to complete: 30 minutes Getting Ready for Your Virtual Presentation_ Integrate proven practices to ensure great web-based presentations each and every time This course is made for managers and is designed to help you deliver great web presentations. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to integrate proven practices to ensure great web-based presentations each and every time. Time to complete: 30 minutes Communication Techniques for Web-based Presentations Deliver successful web-based presentations with three essential communication techniques This course is made for managers and is designed to help you deliver great web presentations. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will be able to deliver successful web-based presentations with the three essential communication techniques. Time to complete: 30 minutes Keys to Remote Accountability Build the capabilities to overcome the challenges of holding people accountable remotely This course is made for managers and is designed to help you set goals and create accountability remotely. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know what’s required to overcome the challenges of holding people accountable remotely. Time to complete: 30 minutes Collaborative Goal Setting at a Distance Learn the keys to setting goals with people who aren’t located with you This course is made for managers and is designed to help you set goals and create accountability remotely. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know the keys to setting goals with people who aren’t located with you. Time to complete: 30 minutes Helping Others Achieve Goals Learn ways to support people in reaching their short and long term goals This course is made for managers and is designed to help you set goals and create accountability remotely. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to support people in reaching their short and long term goals. Time to complete: 30 minutes Coaching Others—The Basics Learn how to apply the coaching model to your interactions with others This course is made for managers and is designed to help you coach and give feedback remotely. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know how to apply the coaching model to your interactions with others. Time to complete: 30 minutes Applying Coaching Remotely Discover what’s required to coach others remotely This course is made for managers and is designed to help you coach and give feedback remotely. As a manager, you will perform this course with your employees. By completing this course you will know what’s required to coach others remotely. Time to complete: 30 minutes Giving Remote Feedback Build the skills required to provide feedback remotely This course is made for managers and is designed to help you coach and give feedback remotely. As a manager, you will perform this course on your own. By completing this course you will have the skills required to provide feedback remotely. Time to complete: 30 minutes